January 2019
Dear amazing family and friends,
The past few weeks have been quite emotional and nonstop. Being a missionary and living in a country with no actual family can sometimes be a challenge and quite lonely. I have heavily relied on God’s promise in Matthew 19:18 that, “everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.”
In almost all of the countries I have done long term missions in over the past 29 years, God has provided a family for me. These past 16 years in London, He provided a Portuguese family for me. The matriarch of this family (Teresa Amelia Xavier Pestana) whom I called “Tia,” passed away on Monday, 13 January, at 79 years old.
Thank you so much for all of you who prayed for
her after her stroke. I will always remember her
big laugh, facial expressions that told you exactly
what was she was thinking lol, her stories, her
food that no one else could duplicate and her love
for her family.
Please continue to pray for my “adopted family,”
especially my “Tio” who is 86 and is missing his
wife of 60 years.