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January 2024

Dear Family and Friends


Happy New Year!  I cannot believe how fast 2023 flew by.  It was a year of lots of changes, challenges, steps of faith, and miracles. Not just for me but for the world in general.


I like to keep these letters as short as I can so I won’t list all of the things that have happened because it would take pages!  For myself personally, a few things that happened have been changing house, job roles, and congregations. Challenges have been my health, trusting for healing in those I love, and needing more financial partners.  Steps of Faith have been everything already listed! As well as every mission and ministry opportunity I was given.  And Miracles….Again – everything listed – God has been there providing hope, peace, joy, strength, finances, words, and healing in so many of these areas.


Every year our Every Nation Global family sets aside a week at the beginning of the year for prayer and fasting.  Each year has a theme and that theme in many ways continues throughout the year in our sermon series and conferences.


Last year our theme was Miracles and it was amazing to see miracles all throughout the year!  This year our theme is Set Apart – A Biblical view of Holiness.  If you are looking for a Bible plan for the beginning of the year and want to join us, you can follow our plan on YouVersion at - . Or the family devotional at -


2024 is starting already with lots of plans in the calendar for me.  Our ENC Europe weekend at the beginning of March, a trip to America to raise my support and thank friends and family for all they are doing to help me reach the nations in Europe, a scout to Italy for a future church plant, our Student Leaders Camp in France are just to name a few!  This doesn’t count the ministry I will be doing on the ground here in London in our local churches.


Finally, I wanted to give you an update on both Wolfi and Teri (Mana).  They are both walking miracles with both of them having been diagnosed with stage 4 cancers.  Through much prayer and treatments many of the cancer areas have decreased and some have stabilised BUT they still need miracles. Please continue to stand with me in praying for them and speaking life over them.


Also, the doctor has determined that I do NOT have asthma!  I just have irritated airways so a regular inhaler helps me when I need it but I do not need to take steroids unless I get really sick and it is necessary.  My breathing has been so much better.  Thank you so much for all of your prayers.


Thank you also for continuing to pray for my financial support.  Every month has been a miracle since I changed my job role to work full time for Europe.  I still need more monthly partners so your prayers are continuously needed. 


I can’t wait to see what God is going to do this year in each of us as we reach the nations in Europe together!


Lots of Love,




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