June Newsletter!
Dear Family and Friends
I hope you are well and enjoying the beginning of Summer. This past month has mainly been a preparation and administration month. Every year at the end of June we take our campus leaders (missionaries who have raised their support to work fulltime with university students), volunteer leaders, and student leaders up to a retreat centre just outside of Marseille.
These leaders come from our Every Nation Churches from all over Europe for a week of input, encouragement, relationship building and fun. Our Campus Leadership Team has been working on this event for months preparing every aspect of the week. Our goal is for every leader to go back to their country equipped and encouraged as well as with a strategy on how to reach their campuses more effectively.
Please pray for us as we wrap up the final preparations over the next 2 weeks. This is one of my favourite events of the year!
At the end of May I was also privileged to take part in our BUILD conference in Warsaw, Poland. This was a small conference of our senior church leaders from 21 nations across Europe to come together for input on church governance as well as passing off the baton of Wolfi’s role in overseeing our churches in Western Europe.
It was a wonderful time of hearing stories of our churches and church plants in Europe as well as incredible input on leadership. Below are pictures of one of our worship sessions and also part of our London team that attended the conference.
Oh, one praise report! I have been praying for God to give me a housemate to move in with and I am happy to report that I now have someone! We are both out of the country in the next few weeks so we will start looking for a place at the beginning of July. Please continue to pray for a place that is affordable and also in a good location for both of us to get to work.
Thank you again for your continued prayer and support! They are making such a difference. I need them!
Lots of love