September Newsletter
Dear Family and Friends
I am so happy to be typing this as I sit at my desk in my new home! Maija and I moved in on 23 August. It is so good to have all of my things for the first time in over a year. For the past year and 5 months I have stayed in 2 different places with many of my things in storage.
Opening boxes on the 23rd and 24th of August was like Christmas! We have all of the basic things needed for a home and now just need to buy the little things that will make it feel more comfy.
My new housemate is a beautiful young lady from church named Maija (pronounced Maya) who is from Namibia. She works full-time as an auditor but volunteers at church to help with our ENC (University) ministry.
Our new home is truly a blessing from God – one of those above and beyond all you could imagine places. When it came on the market, we couldn’t believe the price because of the area of town it was in. Places in this area are very expensive. Plus, it is so convenient for both our jobs and places we need to travel to on a frequent basis. Also, the size of the flat is hard to find when you are looking for equal bedroom sizes. It truly ticked all of our list when we were praying about what we wanted. Another bonus was that the rent was guaranteed to stay the same price for 2 years. Thank you so much for all of your prayers!
September is launching season for us here in London and for many of our churches across Europe. Universities start a new academic year in September and October so University Campus outreaches will be happening over the next few months. We will also be starting our Follow Courses and Engage Course.
I will be travelling and participating in a few different events over the next few months and would appreciate your prayers:
21 September - Dublin, Ireland – (Teaching at a Discipleship Day)
23-26 October - Glasgow, Scotland – (EN School of Prophecy)
3-8 November - Tampere, Finland – (Evangelism Summit and mission)
And finally, a few weeks ago I had the privilege of preaching in our West Kensington Congregation on Enjoying God in Community. To hear the sermon click on the link and it will start where our pastor is introducing me -
Thank you again to all of you who are partnering with me with your finances and prayers. You are truly a blessing and together we are reaching the nations in Europe!
Lots of love