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Augus 2014

Thank you so much for your prayers and support this past month! As I mentioned in my last letter, I was invited to preach at a local church around the corner from our own church. The name of the church is West London Family Church and the congregation , like ours is multicultural but predominantly African and West Indies. It was great preaching in such a different environment!

This month I would like to introduce you to Aoife, pronounced EE-FA. Hi readers! I’m from Dublin, Ireland and I’ve been working with Traci as a campus intern since January. What an adventure I’ve been on! I’ve had the privilege of mentoring some of the students in our church and watching them grow in

their relationship with God. It is a joy to see how some of those students are now mentoring their friends and peers.

As well as mentorship, we organise monthly student socials, from Karaoke nights to BBQs. I also reach out to un-churched students by setting up a coffee table on Sundays (we have our services on a medical campus). Through this we are slowly making connections with students on their way to study. Many of them have gone from trying to avoid eye-contact with me to thanking us for caring enough to provide them with coffee early on a Sunday morning!

I am learning so much during my time here. Traci is an amazing mentor- she has walked me through my first few months of full-time ministry and is always willing to share her wisdom, experience, and sense of humour! It is such a blessing to work alongside her and the team here to make disciples and make a difference here in the great city of London.

Thank you for praying for my holiday! I went away for a week with one of my housemates and her elderly parents. It was very slow paced and the scenery was beautiful! What’s also amazing is that the weather here in London has been wonderful and we are having an actual Summer! Being able to wear shorts, short sleeve shirts and flip flops is like being on an extra long holiday for me.

Lots of Love


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