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June 2014

This past month was filled with lots of discipleship/mentoring, training and building up small group leaders, teaching Bible School, and Baptisms!

I have been focusing more over the past few months on my small group leaders. Making sure these leaders feel supported and have the training they need to lead their groups confidently is important to me but also making sure that they themselves are connecting with God is even more important. I have loved meeting and praying with them over the past few months as well as hearing the testimonies coming out of their groups.

I am also teaching and overseeing Bible School for part of this term which is something I love! This month I am teaching on Spiritual Disciplines. This past Monday I taught on Daily Devotions and Fellowship. In the coming weeks we will cover Communion, Fasting, Worship, Stewardship and Tithing as well as the Sabbath. If we are going to have a fruitful walk with Christ – we all need these disciplines!

Finally, one of the biggest highlights of last month was Baptisms! I love seeing people get baptised and I especially love it when I have been walking with them and get to take part in baptising them! Six of our teens were baptised as well as five adults. Five of the teens come from families that don’t attend church. Two of them have parents that don’t even believe in God. This is exciting for me! What made it amazing is that the parents who don’t believe in God all came to watch their teens be baptised! As a church, we had a wonderful opportunity to show them love and show them how much we love their teen. Please pray for more opportunities to share Jesus with them.

One of the teens that I had the privilege of baptising was Jessica. I have been mentoring Jessica and I have loved seeing her fall in love with Jesus. I truly believe that Jessica’s love for God will be a huge instrument in bringing her parents to Christ. Her comment that she made on Facebook afterwards shows you how much it meant to her – “This morning was definitely something! It was such an amazing morning. I'm feeling great & like a new person to be honest! Would just like to say a massive well done to everyone who got baptised today! I'm so proud of you all & I'm so blessed that I've been able to share this experience with you! Also a massive thank you to all of my youth leaders, pastors & friends/family that have supported me through this massive step I've taken today!”

Your love and support have been such an amazing blessing to me. I would really like to ask you to please remember to pray for me as well. God is growing me in SO MANY WAYS! I actually feel like what I am truly called to do is coming to pass. I am teaching and preaching loads more and I am beginning to feel the weight of the responsibility of a pastor more and more. I am loving, it but at the same time I realise more and more that your prayer covering is so essential.

Also, please remember that you have a part in every life that is being touched here in London.

Thank you again for all of your love and support!

Lots of Love


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